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D.4.19 mprimdec_lib

procedures for primary decomposition of modules
Alexander Dreyer, [email protected]; [email protected]

Algorithms for primary decomposition for modules based on the algorithms of Gianni, Trager and Zacharias and
Shimoyama and Yokoyama (generalization of the latter suggested by Hans-Gert Graebe, Leipzig )
using elements of primdec.lib

These procedures are implemented to be used in characteristic 0.
They also work in positive characteristic >> 0.
In small characteristic and for algebraic extensions, the procedures via Gianni, Trager, Zacharias may not terminate.


D.4.19.1 separator  computes a list of separators of prime ideals
D.4.19.2 PrimdecA  (not necessarily minimal) primary decomposition via Shimoyama/Yokoyama (suggested by Graebe)
D.4.19.3 PrimdecB  (not necessarily minimal) primary decomposition for pseudo-primary ideals
D.4.19.4 modDec  minimal primary decomposition via Shimoyama/Yokoyama (suggested by Graebe)
D.4.19.5 zeroMod  minimal zero-dimensional primary decomposition via Gianni, Trager and Zacharias
D.4.19.6 GTZmod  minimal primary decomposition via Gianni, Trager and Zacharias
D.4.19.7 dec1var  primary decomposition for one variable
D.4.19.8 annil  the annihilator of M/N in the basering
D.4.19.9 splitting  splitting to simpler modules
D.4.19.10 primTest  tests whether i is prime or homogeneous
D.4.19.11 preComp  enhanced Version of splitting
D.4.19.12 indSet  lists with varstrings of(in)dependent variables
D.4.19.13 GTZopt  a faster version of GTZmod
D.4.19.14 zeroOpt  a faster version of zeroMod

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