D.15.1.1 poshull | | determine the convex hull of a list of monomials in mon[x,y] |
D.15.1.2 monomials | | determine the set of monomials of a polynomial |
D.15.1.3 coeff | | determine the coefficient of a given monomial of a polynomial |
D.15.1.4 newtonPolygon | | determine the Newton polygon of the points corresponding to the monomials of a polynomial |
D.15.1.5 verticesOfNP | | determine the vertices of a Newton polygon |
D.15.1.6 termsOnPolygon | | determine the sum of the terms of a given polynomial of which the corresponding points lie on its corresponding Newton polygon |
D.15.1.7 latticePoints | | determine all the points that lie on a given Newton polygon |
D.15.1.8 latticeToMonomials | | determine the corresponding monomials of a list of points |
D.15.1.9 terms | | determine the terms of a given polynomial |
D.15.1.10 piecewiseWeightOfPolygon | | determine the piecewise weight defined by a given Newton polygon |
D.15.1.11 piecewiseOrd | | determine the piecewise order of a given polynomial with regard to a given piecewise weight |
D.15.1.12 piecewisedegree | | determine the piecewise degree of a given polynomial with regard to a given piecewise weight |
D.15.1.13 piecewiseJet | | determine the piecewise jet of a given polynomial of a given degree, with regard to a given piecewise weight |
D.15.1.14 regularBasis | | determine a regular basis for a polynomial with respect to the piecewise weight defined by its Newton polygon |
D.15.1.15 determineNormalForm | | determine a normal form, modality, milnor number, delta invariant, number of branches, determinacy bound and corank of a given polynomial, if possible |
D.15.1.16 normalForm | | determine a normalform for F.value, if F is of type Poly, or return F.normalForm |
D.15.1.17 determineExceptionalHypersurface | | determine the exceptional hypersurface of the normalform stored in N.normalForm, and store the calculated hypersurface in the field N.exceptionalHypersurface |
D.15.1.18 exceptionalHypersurface | | return N.exceptionalHypersurface |
D.15.1.19 determineNormalFormEquation | | determine a normalform equation of a polynomial in the give normalform |
D.15.1.20 normalFormEquation | | return N.normalFormEquation |
D.15.1.21 normalFormEquationUpToRescaling | | N.normalFormEquationUpToRescaling, a germ which is right-equivalent to N.normalFormEquation, by the transformation x-->ax, y-->by, a,b complex numbers, such that its ring is minimal |
D.15.1.22 nondegeneratePart | | determine the nondegenrate part of a singularity |
D.15.1.23 germWithNNB | | determine a germ with a nondegenrate Newton boundary that is equivalent to a given polynomial, if possible |
D.15.1.24 determineGermWithSemiNormalizedNNB | | determine a germ with a normalized nondegenerate Newton boundary that is equivalent to N.phi.sourcegerm.value |
D.15.1.25 germWithSemiNormalizedNNB | | return a germ with a nondegenerate normalized Newton boundary, up to scalar multiplication of each of its variables, of a given polynomial, if possibles |
D.15.1.26 modalityNNB | | determine the modality of the singularity defined by a polynomial,if the polynomial is right equivalent to a germ with a nondegenerate Newton boundary |
D.15.1.27 milnorNNB | | determine the Milnor number of a polynomial that is equivalent to a germ with a nondegenerate Newton boundary |
D.15.1.28 determinacyBound | | determine an upper bound for the determinacy of a polynomial |
D.15.1.29 deltaNNB | | determine the Delta invariant and number of branches of a polynomial that is right equivalent to a germ with a nondegenerate Newton boundary |
D.15.1.30 moduliMonomials | | give the monomials corresponding to the moduli terms in a given normal form |
D.15.1.31 determineArnoldType | | determine the Arnold classification of N.phi.sourcegerm and store it in the field N.ArnoldType |
D.15.1.32 ArnoldType | | return the Arnold type of N.phi.sourcegerm.value |
D.15.1.33 newtonNumber | | determine the Newton number of a polynomial in Q[x,y] |
D.15.1.34 transformationsBeforeSplit | | the transformations (and in some cases their inverses) that was transformed on a given polynomial to write it as a direct sum of its degenerate and nondegenerate parts, given up to filtration d, where d is a determinacy bound for the given polynomial |
D.15.1.35 transformationsAfterSplit | | the transformations (and in some cases their inverses) that was transformed on the degenerate part of a given polynomial was splitted off to transform it to a germ with nondegenerate Newton boundary (in some cases the transformations normalize the Newton boundary is also given), is given up to filtration d, where d is a determinacy bound for the polynomial, if possible |