E.3.2 Notes for Singular usersCoefficient ringsTo allow for easy integration of new coefficient rings into Singular, the the way coefficient rings are being handled has been redesigned. In general, the user syntax has not changed, however there are some changes in the behaviour of Singular:
Ring-dependent optionsFormally global Singular option now belong to individual polynomial rings. This includes:
Also the following settings now belong to individual (currently active) polynomial rings:
Hence setting these options only affects the current ring. Be aware of this when switching between different rings, since the options affect the result of various computations (in particular Groebner bases). Path names
Library versioningDue to switching from Subversion to GIT revision control system for the Singular source code, library version variables (displayed when loading a library) have changed. New orderings for modulesThe now can assign weights to module components, when defining a monomial ordering. For example
will assign weights 1,2,3 to x,y,z respectively, and weights 10,20,30,40,0,0,... to components of any free module defined over R. This ordering will first sort by this weighted degree, then by dp on the ring monomials and then will give priority to the large component index. Future benefits of Singular 4The redesign of Singular will allow us to provide new features in the future, for example: