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D.4.23 normal_lib

Normalization of Affine Rings
J. Boehm [email protected],
W. Decker [email protected],
G.-M. Greuel, [email protected],
S. Laplagne, [email protected],
G. Pfister, [email protected],
A. Steenpass [email protected],
S. Steidel [email protected],
P. Chini, [email protected] (normalConductor)


D.4.23.1 normal  normalization of an affine ring
D.4.23.2 locNormal  normalization of R/I using local methods
D.4.23.3 modNormal  normalization of R/I using modular methods
D.4.23.4 normalP  normalization of an affine ring in positive characteristic
D.4.23.5 normalC  normalization of an affine ring through a chain of rings
D.4.23.6 HomJJ  presentation of End_R(J) as affine ring, J an ideal
D.4.23.7 genus  computes the geometric genus of a projective curve
D.4.23.8 primeClosure  integral closure of R/p, p a prime ideal
D.4.23.9 closureFrac  writes a poly in integral closure as element of Quot(R/p)
D.4.23.10 iMult  intersection multiplicity of the ideals of the list L
D.4.23.11 deltaLoc  sum of delta invariants at conjugated singular points
D.4.23.12 locAtZero  checks whether the zero set of I is located at 0
D.4.23.13 norTest  checks the output of normal, normalP, normalC
D.4.23.14 getSmallest  computes the polynomial of smallest degree of J
D.4.23.15 getOneVar  computes a polynomial of J in the variable vari
D.4.23.16 changeDenominator  computes ideal U2 such that 1/c1*U1=1/c2*U2
D.4.23.17 normalConductor  computation of the conductor as ideal in the basering
D.4.23.18 isNormal  test if already normal
See also: integralbasis_lib.

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