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7.5 PLURAL libraries

The content of libraries, created for PLURAL is described in the following subsections.

Use the LIB command for loading of single libraries.

Note: For any computation in PLURAL, the monomial ordering must be a global ordering.

See also jacobson_lib for the diagonalization of matrices over Ore Euclidean domains.

7.5.1 bimodules_lib  Tools for handling bimodules
7.5.2 bfun_lib  Algorithms for b-functions and Bernstein-Sato polynomial
7.5.3 central_lib  Computation of centralizer and center in GR-algebras
7.5.4 dmod_lib  Fundamental algorithms for algebraic D-modules
7.5.5 dmodapp_lib  Applications of algebraic D-modules such as integration
7.5.6 dmodideal_lib  Algorithms for Bernstein-Sato ideals of morphisms
7.5.14 dmodloc_lib  Localization of algebraic D-modules such as Weyl closure
7.5.7 dmodvar_lib  Algebraic D-modules and Bernstein-Sato polynomial for varieties
7.5.8 involut_lib  Computations and operations with involutive endomorphisms
7.5.9 gkdim_lib  Computation of the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of modules
7.5.10 ncalg_lib  Definitions of important G- and GR-algebras
7.5.11 ncdecomp_lib  Algorithmic decomposition of a module with central characters
7.5.12 ncfactor_lib  Tools for factorization in some noncommutative algebras
7.5.15 ncfrac_lib  fractions in Ore localizations of a G-algebras
7.5.13 nchilbert_lib  Hilbert series for LetterPlace
7.5.16 nchomolog_lib  Noncommutative Homological Algebra
7.5.17 ncloc_lib  Ore-localization in G-Algebras
7.5.18 ncModslimgb_lib  modular slimgb for Groebner bases in G-algebras
7.5.19 ncpreim_lib  Non-commutative elimination and preimage computations
7.5.20 nctools_lib  General tools for noncommutative algebras
7.5.21 olga_lib  Ore-localization in G-Algebras
7.5.22 perron_lib  Method of Perron to compute algebraic dependence
7.5.23 purityfiltration_lib  Purity (equidimensional) filtration of a given module
7.5.24 qmatrix_lib  Quantum matrices, quantum minors and symmetric groups
7.5.25 ratgb_lib  Groebner bases in Ore localizations of noncommutative G-algebras

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