
Q3: ^C/Abort behavior
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Author:  Justin C. Walker [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Q3: ^C/Abort behavior

Hi, again,

I've noticed some odd, and intermittent, behavior when I use ^C:

- sometimes, some of the variables I am using appear to be forgotten
by the system after the abort.

- sometimes, I can't get back to a '> ' prompt; I seem to be stuck
at the '. ' prompt.

As I say, it's intermittent and not reproducible (but repeated).

If it's of interest, I'll try and get examples of where it happens.



email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2003-04-10 03:39:57+02

> Hi, again,
> I've noticed some odd, and intermittent, behavior when I use ^C:

and just to be complete: Singular 2.0.3, Mac OS X, 10.2.4.



email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2003-04-10 03:40:47+02

Author:  greuel [ Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Since it is not reproduced, it is hard to guess the reason.
Singular gives a . if it expects a command to be completed.

Usually this happens if you forgot one of the following:
; " }
It is very likely that something like this happend, just try
to add one of these characters.


email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2003-04-15 22:30:17+02

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