
Rational Canonical Form
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Author:  Abdul Jarrah [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Rational Canonical Form

I want to compute the rational canonical form of a square matrix over a finite field. Based on what is in the library linalg, it seems that there is no built-in command for that.
Do you know how to compute RCF in Singular?
Any help will greatly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2004-06-14 03:08:24+02

Author:  levandov [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rational Canonical Form

Dear Abdul Jarrah,
> I want to compute the rational canonical form of a square
> matrix over a finite field. Based on what is in the
>library linalg, it seems that there is no built-in command
> for that.
> Do you know how to compute RCF in Singular?
> Any help will greatly be appreciated.

Actually, in the SINGULAR book there is an exercise 2.6.3 on the page 165, where a "rational normal form" is asked to compute.
There are hints to this exercise, so it is not complicated to implement it by yourself.

> Thanks in advance.
> Abdul

With best regards,

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