Reports on
Computer Algebra |
The ZCA publishes the series Reports on Computer
Algebra whose papers are listed below. A
bibliography in BibTex format of the papers published in
this series can be downloaded from here.
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Levandovskyy, V.
Plural, a Non�commutative Extension of Singular:
Past, Present and Future.
June 2006.
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Brickenstein, M.
Slimgb: Gröbner Bases with Slim Polynomials.
September 2005.
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Tobis, E.A.
Libraries for Counting Real Roots.
July 2005.
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Frühbis-Krüger, A.; Pfister, G.
Practical Aspects of Algorithmic Resolution of Singularities.
October 2004.
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Frühbis-Krüger, A.; Krüger, K.; Schönemann, H.
Dynamic Modules in SINGULAR.
December 2003.
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Greuel, G.-M.; Lossen, C.; Schulze, M.
Three Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry, Coding
Theory, and Singularity Theory.
March 2001.
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Greuel, G.-M.
Applications of Computer Algebra to
Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory and Symbolic-Numerical Solving.
June 2000.
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Greuel, G.-M.
Computer Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Achievements and Perspectives.
Feb 2000.
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Siebert, T.
Recursive Computation of Free Resolutions and a Generalized Koszul Complex.
Jan 2000.
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Bachmann, O. and Gräbe, H.-G.
The SYMBOLICDATA Project: Towards an Electronic Repository of Tools and Data for Benchmarks of Computer Algebra Software.
Jan 2000.
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B. Reinert.
Solving One-Sided Equations in Integer Monoid Rings.
Jan 2000.
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B. Reinert and D. Zeckzer.
Coset Enumeration using Prefix Gröbner Bases in MRC - An Experimental Approach.
Nov 1999.
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Birgit Reinert.
Observations on coset enumeration.
Nov 1998.
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K. Madlener and F. Otto.
Some Applications Of Prefix-Rewriting In Monoids, Groups, And Rings.
November 1998.
[ Postscript
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G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, and H. Schönemann.
Singular version 1.2 user manual.
June 1998.
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B. Reinert and D. Zeckzer.
MRC - A System for Computing Gröbner Bases in Monoid and Group Rings.
July 1998.
[ Postscript
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B. Reinert, K. Madlener, and T. Mora.
A note on nielsen reduction and coset enumeration.
February 1998.
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O. Bachmann and H. Schönemann.
Monomial Representations for Gröbner Bases Computations.
January 1998.
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Thomas Siebert.
An algorithm for constructing isomorphisms of modules.
January 1998.
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K. Madlener and B. Reinert.
String Rewriting and Gröbner Bases - A General Approach to Monoid and Group Rings.
October 1997.
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B. Martin and T. Siebert.
Splitting Algorithm for vector bundles.
September 1997.
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K. Madlener and B. Reinert.
Relating rewriting techniques on monoids and rings: Congruences on monoids and ideals in monoid rings.
September 1997.
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O. Bachmann, S. Gray, and H. Schönemann.
MP Prototype Specification.
Dec 1997.
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O. Bachmann.
Effective simplification of cr expressions.
January 1997.
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O. Bachmann, S. Gray, and H. Schönemann.
A proposal for syntactic data integration for math protocols.
January 1997.
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B. Reinert.
Introducing reduction to polycyclic group rings - a comparison of methods.
October 1996.
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T. Siebert.
On strategies and implementations for computations of free resolutions.
September 1996.
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H. Schönemann.
Algorithms in singular.
June 1996.
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- 01
H. Grassmann, G.-M. Greuel, B. Martin, W. Neumann, G. Pfister, W. Pohl,
H. Schönemann, and T. Siebert.
Standard bases, syzygies and their implementation in singular.
July 1996.
: Postscript
: BibTeX