Let the
-module M be given by generators
constituting a standard base of M with respect to the degree compatible
ordering <.
Now, we assume to minimize the STZS-resolution Syzi(M),
of M. This means,
to find constant entres in the syzygies of level i
and to cancel the corresponding element
The component
il in Syzi(M) is set to zero by Gaussian eliminations and the
syzygy is taken out together with its component in Syzi+1.
(compare R. La Scala [LS] Chapter 4)
Denote by sfi-1 the set of superfluous generators in Syzi-1(M). By the descritpion above we get:
Remark: For computing the exact Hilbert function of the i-th module in the minimal resolution it is not necessary to know the concrete generators. It suffices to know the number and degree of a minimal set of generators. However, one has to be careful while counting explicit generators. They may be transformed by the Gaussian elimination or by cancellation of components of syzygies which are taken out into zero!
The interpretation of Hilbert functions in the context of syzygies differs from that in the Gröbner base algorithm. Once having detected all necessary pairs (and checked this by the Hilbert function) of a certain degree in the module Syzi-1(M), all remaining pairs of the same degree will yield syzygies. It seems to be a good idea to wait with their reduction until the next computation. Here one has a complete knowledge of the Hilbert function and can decide how many pairs must be reduced to obtain the correct Hilbert function in Syzi(M) up to the current degree. The rest of the pairs yields superfluous generators and their computation can be skipped. Therefore, the usage of Hilbert functions suggests a computation degree by degree over the whole resolvent.