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1. Introduction and notation

Let $(R, \underline{m})$ be either a complete local Noetherian commutative algebra over a field K or a graded K-algebra $R=\oplus_{d\leq 0} R_d$, R0=K and $\underline{m} =\oplus_{d>0} R_d.$ Let $M \in \mbox{Mod} \, R$ be a finitely generated (or graded resp.) R-module. In the local case it is known (cf. [Yo]) that the module M is indecomposable if and only if the endomorphism ring $ \mbox{End}(M)$ is local. But this criteria is difficult to handle, since it involves usage of non-commutative methods. Here we present several versions of a criteria based on a presentation matrix of M, which may be checked using only the Groebner-basis algorithm in various forms. The algorithm has several applications: Throughout this paper we restrict the notation to the local case. The graded case is handled analogously.

First we will fix some notation. A module M may be presented by matrices $Q \in \mbox{Mat}(r,n;R)$

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