A (complex) singularity is, by definition, nothing but a complex
analytic germ together with its analytic local ring
is the convergent power series ring in
For an arbitrary field
for some ideal
in the formal power series ring
. We call
a singularity (
denotes the maximal ideal of the local ring
and write
for the convergent and for the formal power
series ring if the statements hold for both.
is an ideal with
then the singularity of
using the above notation,
However, we may also consider the local ring
the localisation of
, as the singularity of
at 0.
Geometrically, for
, the difference is the following:
describes the variety
in an arbitrary small neighbourhood of
0 in the Euclidean topology while
in an arbitrary small
neighbourhood of 0 in the (much coarser) Zariski topology.
At the moment, we can compute efficiently only in
as we shall explain below. In many cases of interest, we are happy
since invariants of
at 0 can be computed in
as well as in
. There are, however, others (such as
factorisation), which are completely different in both rings.
is called non-singular or regular or smooth if
is isomorphic (as local ring) to a power series ring
, or if
is a regular local ring.
By the implicit function theorem, or by the Jacobian criterion, this is
equivalent to the fact that has a system of generators
such that the Jacobian matrix of
has rank
in some neighbourhood of 0.
is called an isolated singularity
if there is a neighbourhood
of 0 such that
is regular everywhere.
In order to compute with singularities, we need the notion of standard basis which is a generalisation of the notion of Gröbner basis, cf. GP1,GP2.
A monomial ordering is a total order on the set of monomials
can be written uniquely as
, with
for any
non-zero term
. We set lm
, the leading monomial of
, the leading coefficient of
For a subset
we define the leading ideal of
So far, the general case is not different to the case of a well-ordering. However, the following definition provides something new for non-global orderings:
For a monomial ordering define the multiplicatively closed set
Note that
if and only if
is global and
if and only if
is local (which justifies the names).
Let be a fixed monomial ordering. In order to have a short
notation, I write
be an ideal. A finite set
called a standard basis of
if and only if
, that
is, for any
there exists a
If the ordering is a well-ordering, then a standard basis is
called a Gröbner basis. In this case
and, hence,
Standard bases can be computed in the same way as Gröbner bases except that we need a different normal form. This was first noticed by Mo for local orderings (called tangent cone orderings by Mora) and, in general, by GP1,Getal.
denote the set of all finite and ordered subsets
A map
NF is called a weak normal form if, instead of (ii), only the following condition (ii') holds:
Moreover, we need (in particular for computing syzygies) (weak) normal forms
with standard representation: if
, we can
Indeed, if and
consist of polynomials, we can compute, in finitely
many steps, weak normal forms with standard representation such that
are polynomials and, hence, compute polynomial standard bases which
enjoy most of the properties of Gröbner bases.
Once we have a weak normal form with standard representation, the general standard basis algorithm may be formalised as follows:
STANDARDBASIS(G,NF) [arbitrary monomial ordering]
Input: a finite and ordered set of polynomials, NF a
weak normal form with standard representation.
Output: a finite set of polynomials which is a standard
basis of
- ;
- while
- return ;
Here spoly
denotes the
-polynomial of
The algorithm terminates by Dickson's lemma or by the noetherian property of the polynomial ring (and since NF terminates). It is correct by Buchberger's criterion, which generalises to non-well-orderings.
If we use Buchberger's normal form below, in the case of a well-ordering, STANDARDBASIS ist just Buchberger's algorithm:
NFBUCHBERGER(f,G) [well-ordering]
Input: a finite ordered set of polynomials,
Output: a normal form of
with respect to
standard representation.
- ;
- while
and exist
so that
choose any such ;
- return ;
For an algorithm to compute a weak normal form in the case of an arbitrary ordering, we refer to GP1.
To illustrate the difference between local and global orderings, we compute the dimension of a variety at a point and the (global) dimension of the variety.
The dimension of the singularity , or the dimension of
0, is, by definition, the Krull dimension of the analytic local ring
, which is the same as the Krull dimension
of the algebraic local ring
in case
is generated by polynomials, which follows easily from the
theory of dimensions by Hilbert-Samuel series.
Using this fact, we can compute by computing a standard basis of
the ideal
generated in
with respect to any
local monomial ordering on
. The dimension is equal to the
dimension of the corresponding monomial ideal (which is a combinatorial
For example, the dimension of the affine variety
is 2 but
the dimension of the singularity
(that is, the dimension of
at the
point 0) is 1:
Using SINGULAR we compute first the global dimension with the degree reverse
lexicographical ordering denoted by dp and then the local dimension at 0
using the negative degree reverse lexicographical ordering denoted by ds.
Note that in the local ring
(represented by
the ordering ds)
is a unit.
ring R = 0,(x,y,z),dp; //global ring ideal i = yx-y,zx-z; ideal si = groebner(i); si; ==> si[1]=xz-z, //leading ideal of i is <xz,xy> ==> si[2]=xy-y dim(si); ==> 2 //global dimension = dim R/<xz,xy> ring r = 0,(x,y,z),ds; //local ring ideal i = yx-y,zx-z; ideal si = groebner(i); si; ==> si[1]=y //leading ideal of i is <y,z> ==> si[2]=z dim(si); ==> 1 //local dimension = dim r/<y,z>