The monodromy of a morphism
between complex spaces or
, which we suppose to be a differentiable fibre bundle outside
the discriminant
, describes the action of the fundamental
group of
on the cohomology
the general fibre. The Gauß-Manin connection may be considered as an
algebraic description of the monodromy action by means of differential forms.
Finally, the mixed Hodge structure is an analytic structure on
generalising the Hodge decomposition of compact, smooth algebraic
These concepts have many applications and were widely studied in the global
situation for proper maps as well as in the local situation for isolated
singularities, for a survey see [Ku]. Here we shall only consider the
local case.
be a
convergent power series (in practice a
polynomial) with isolated singularity at 0 and
the Milnor number of
. Then
defines in
around 0 a holomorphic function
and, by a theorem of Milnor, there exists a
such that
is a
-fibre bundle so that the general fibre
, is homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of
-dimensional spheres.
The simple, counterclockwise path in
induces a
-diffeomorphism of
) and an automorphism
of the singular cohomology group
which is a
-vector space. The automorphism
is called the
local Picard-Lefschetz monodromy of
. We address the problem of
computing the eigenvalues and the Jordan normal form of
The first important theorem is the monodromy theorem, due to Deligne in the
global and to Brieskorn in the local situation which says that the eigenvalues
of are roots of unity, that is, we have
, where
is a
complex matrix with eigenvalues in
Hence, we are left with the problem of computing the eigenvalues and the
Jordan normal form of .
is a complex Stein manifold, its complex cohomology can be
computed, via the holomorphic de Rham theorem, by using holomorphic
forms, which is the starting point of Brieskorn's algorithm for computing the
monodromy. To cut a long story short, we just mention that the
Brieskorn lattices (cf. [Br])
It is a fundamental fact that the Picard-Lefschetz monodromy coincides
with the monodromy
of the Gauß-Manin connection.
Brieskorn [Br] used this fact to describe the essential steps for an
algorithm to compute the characteristic polynomial of . Results of Gerard
and Levelt [GL] allowed the extension of this algorithm to compute the
Jordan normal form of
. An implementation of Schulze in SINGULAR is
able to compute interesting examples (including the uni- and bimodal
singularities, [Sch]).
The algorithm uses the regularity theorem which says that
there exists a basis of some lattice in
such that the connection matrix
has a pole of order 1.
Basically, if
has a simple pole,
is the monodromy (this
holds if the eigenvalues of
do not differ by integers which can be
achieved algorithmically).
SINGULAR example for computing the monodromy (omitting the output):
> LIB "mondromy.lib"; > ring R = 0,(x,y),ds; > poly f = x2y2+x6+y6; //example of A'Campo (monodromy is not > matrix M = monodromy(f); //diagonalisable) > print(jordanform(M)); //prints Jordan normalform of monodromyIngredients for the implementation of Brieskorn's algorithm:
In the remaining part of this section we describe a new algorithm, developed by
M. Schulze, based on the theory of -modules (
the complex
with differential
defined by
By definition of the differential , computing
up to order
amounts to expressing
times an element of
in the basis
, which is the Jacobian ideal of
. This can be
done using Gröbner basis methods. To do the
-th step in the computation
of the saturation
, one has to compute
up to order
. To compute the residue of
, whose eigenvalues are
the eigenvalues of monodromy, one has to compute
up to sufficiently high
order and compute a
-basis of
as well as the basis
representation of the images of this basis under
with respect to this
basis. This can also be done using Gröbner basis methods.
Compared to the Brieskorn algorithm, we have interchanged the roles of
. The
-structure of
is much more natural and
there are many advantages of this new algorithm: There are no problems with
estimations, no huge linear algebra problems, we need not to lift a power of
in the Jacobian ideal, the basis of
is easier to compute, and so on.
The main point is that we can continue the computation when we have to
increase the order of
. In the Brieskorn algorithm, we have to start again
almost from the beginning. Nevertheless, the three components of this new
algorithm explained above also require difficult computations, especially the
first one. The new algorithm can be extended to compute
the Jordan normal form of the monodromy in a similar way as it was done in