The Gauß-Manin connection is a regular -module associated to an isolated hypersurface singularity [32]. The V-filtration on is defined by the -module structure. One can describe in terms of integrals of holomorphic differential forms over vanishing cycles [1]. Classes of these differential forms in the Brieskorn lattice can be considered as elements of . The V-filtration on reflects the embedding of in and determines the singularity spectrum which is an important invariant of the singularity.
E. Brieskorn [1] gave an algorithm to compute the complex monodromy based on the -module structure which is implemented in the computer algebra system SINGULAR [17] in the library mondromy.lib [35]. In many respects, the microlocal structure of and [32] seems to be more natural.
After a brief introduction to the theory of the Gauß-Manin connection, we describe how to use this structure for computing in and give an explicit algorithm to compute the V-filtration on . This also leads to a much more efficient algorithm to compute the complex monodromy and the singularity spectrum of an arbitrary isolated hypersurface singularity. All algorithms are implemented in the SINGULAR library gaussman.lib [36] and are distributed with version 2.0.
For more theoretical background on this section see [37].