D.15.6 curveInv_lib
- Library:
- curveInv.lib
- Purpose:
- A library for computing invariants of curves
- Author:
- Peter Chini, [email protected]
- Overview:
- This library provides a collection of procedures for computing invariants
of curve singularities. Invariants that can be computed are:
- the delta invariant
- the multiplicity of the conductor: the length of Normalization(R)/C,
where C denotes the conductor
- the Deligne number
- the colength of derivations along the normalization - the length of
Der(Normalization(R/I)) / R/I
In addition, it is possible to compute the conductor of a ring S = R/I,
where R is a (localized) polynomial ring.
- Theory:
- Computing the Deligne number of curve singularities and an algorithmic framework for
differential algebras in SINGULAR;
Chapter 5 - Master's Thesis of Peter Chini - August 2015