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D.15.29 VecField_lib

vector fields, with algorithms for jordan and diagonal forms
Adrian Rettich, [email protected]
Raul Epure, [email protected]

[1] Kyoji Saito, Quasihomogene isolierte
Singularitaeten von Hyperflaechen, 1971

Implements a class VecField, represented by a vector. For example, 'VecField V = [x3,xy]' declares the vector field v = x3 d_x+xy d_y. Instead of a vector, an nx1 matrix is also accepted. The vector can be recovered as V.vec.
Supports coordinate transformations (via maps), which are represented by tracking a map 'V.coordinates' which maps the standard coordinates to those in which V is currently represented. V.dimension stores the vector field's dimension, which is just nvars(basering), and V.lin yields the linear part of V. You may set an additional parameter V.precision, which dictates the degree to which operations on the vector field should be exact.
The default precision is 1. Precision is preserved across transformations, additions, and all other manipulations of vector fields.


D.15.29.1 applyVecField  apply V to a poly p / an ideal I as an operator; you can also use 'V*p'/'V*I'. If an integer n is passed, consider V up to degree n.
D.15.29.2 changeCoordinates  transform V by psi; you can also use 'V*phi'
D.15.29.3 jordanVecField  transform V s.t. the linear part is in Jordan normal form
D.15.29.4 diagonalizeVecFieldLin  l a list of VecFields. Change coordinates s.t. all linear parts are diagonal simultaneously.
D.15.29.5 SaitoBase  algorithm to find a basis where the semisimple and nilpotent parts are easily read off
D.15.29.6 diagonalizeVecField  diagonalize all VecFields in l simultaneously
D.15.29.7 vecFieldToMatrix  matrix representation of V in the basis W
D.15.29.8 decomposeVecField  split a vectorfield V / all entries of a list of vectorfields l into semisimple and nilpotent components
D.15.29.9 diagonalizeMatrixSimul  find transformation which simultaneously diagonalizes all matrices in l
D.15.29.10 invertAlgebraMorphism  return inverse of p exact up to degree n

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