D.15.29.10 invertAlgebraMorphism
Procedure from library VecField.lib (see VecField_lib).
- Usage:
- invertAlgebraMorphism(map p,int n), where p is an algebra
morphism k[x1,...,xn]->k[y1,...,ym],
or invertAlgebraMorphism(ideal p,int n) if you represent the map as an ideal
- Return:
- the inverse of p mod (maxideal)^n.
If n=-1, try for infinite precision. If input was an ideal, return an ideal.
- Note:
- the algorithm used is described in [1], chapter 3.2
| LIB "VecField.lib";
ring r = 0, (x, y, z),ds;
vector v = [-1,-1,-1];
VecField V = v;
V.precision = 4;
map phi = r, x-2y2+z3,2y+y3+z,z;
map phiinv = invertAlgebraMorphism(phi,4);