E.1 News and changes
News for version 4.4.1
New libraries:
arnold.lib : Classification of isolated singularities with a nondegenerate Newton Boundary ( arnold_lib)
modprimdec.lib : primary decompisition by modular methods ( modprimdec_lib)
modquotient.lib : ideal quotient and saturation by modular methods ( modquotient_lib)
sagbiNormaliz.lib : interface for the computation of Sagbi bases
( sagbiNormaliz_lib)
transformation.lib : The image of a transformation given up to a specified degree ( transformation_lib)
Changed libraries:
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- use new algorithm for weighted Hilbert function hilb
- use new algorithm for std in the case of ordering
and zero dimensional ideal over QQ
(can be switched off by option(pure_gb; )
- use new algorithm for std in the case of a block ordering
and ideal over
(can be switched off by option(pure_gb; )
- changed reduction routine for local orderings
News for version 4-4-0
New libraries:
modfinduni.lib : parallel computation of finduni ( modfinduni_lib finduni)
sagbiNormaliz.lib : computation of Sagbi bases via normaliz ( sagbiNormaliz_lib)
stdmodule.lib : Compute Standard Bases of submodule of free module
over polynomial subalgebra ( stdmodule_lib)
tropicalEllipticCovers.lib : Gromov-Witten numbers of tropical elliptic curves and their covers ( tropicalEllipticCovers_lib)
Changed libraries:
New type:
New commands:
New/renamed monomial orderings:
To avoid confusion (with the degree reverse lexicographic ordering)
the orderings rp and rs are renamed:
- renamed orderings
rp -> ip
rs -> is
- new ordering
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- new algorithm for std in the case of ordering
and zero dimensional ideal over QQ
- new algorithm for lift function ( lift)
- mstd for local rings ( mstd)
- use the new Hilbert function algorithm for hilb.
(Different output format/ different return type)
- renamed orderings
ringorder_rp -> ringorder_ip
ringorder_rs -> ringorder_is
- new ordering
- changes for FLINT 3.0.x/3.1.x
News for version 4-3-2
Changed libraries:
- many: call std in many places only if attribute
isSB is not set
- many: change many calls to
execute by better variants
New commands:
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- new algorithm for Hilbert function ( hilb)
News for version 4-3-1
New libraries:
normal.lib : new command isNormal , option normalCheck for normal ( normal_lib)
Changed libraries:
New commands:
chinrem , farey for smatrix ( smatrix)
Changed commands:
- overflow check for vdim
- Hilbert function ( hilb) cannot overflow (different return type)
delete accepts intvec for the indices to delete ( delete)
- several GB based commands accept the choice of the algorithm:
"std","slimgb","sba","modstd","singmatic","groebner","ffmod","nfmod" ( syz, eliminate, intersect, modulo, liftstd, lift)
reduce for non-field coefficients: search best reduction
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- changes for gcc 12
- new option
- configure can change the path to hml documentation (
--htmldir=... )
- different format for
- new algorithm for Hilbert function ( hilb)
News for version 4-3-0
New libraries:
- enumpoints.lib: enumerating rational points ( enumpoints_lib)
- sagbigrob.lib: Sagbi-Groebner basis of an ideal of a subalgebra ( sagbigrob_lib)
- puiseuxexpansion.lib: Puiseux expansions over algebraic extensions ( puiseuxexpansions_lib)
- integralbasis_lib: Integral basis in algebraic function fields: new version ( integralbasis_lib)
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- input history is stored by default in
.singularhistory ( Editing input).
- ABI change: all number routines (
n_... ) have only coeffs as last argument,
functions with ring as last argument are removed
- PATH is not changed for
system("sh",..) (use SingularBin)
hilb avoids int overflow (also in degree, stdhilb )
liftstd (with 2 arguments) improved ( liftstd)
noether improved ( noether), use in groebner(I,"HC")
for faster results for local orderings, 0-dimensional ideals ( groebner).
- letterplace routines improved ( LETTERPLACE)
- info file is now
singular.info instead of singular.hlp
- update for using FLINT 2.8.x
News for version 4-2-1
New commands:
New libraries:
- decomp.lib: functional decomposition of polynomials ( decomp_lib)
- hodge.lib: algorithms for Hodge ideals ( hodge_lib)
- tateProdCplxNegGrad.lib: sheaf cohomology on product of projective spaces ( tateProdCplxNegGrad_lib)
Changes in the kernel/build system:
liftstd (with 2 arguments) improved ( liftstd)
- building on Cygwin with shared libraries
- building the manual via
News for version 4-2-0
Syntax changes:
New libraries:
Changed libraries:
- classify_aeq.lib: new procedure
classSpaceCurve ( classify_aeq_lib)
- grobcov.lib: new version ( grobcov_lib)
- modular.lib: parallel version for verification via
New commands:
system("verifyGB",I) : test, if I is a Groebner basis (using parallel processes)
- Letterplace: modulo,syz,lift,liftstd, rightStd ( LETTERPLACE)
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- update for using FLINT 2.6.x and for FLINT 2.7.0
- Singular can be build with NTL or FLINT or both
(if none is available,
factorize and gcd will not work.)
News for version 4-1-3
New libraries:
- invar.lib: Invariant theory invar_lib
- moddiq.lib: ideal quotient and saturation
- ncModslimgb.lib: modular Groebner bases for G-algebras ncModslimgb_lib
Changed libraries:
Changes in the kernel/build system:
News for version 4-1-2
New libraries:
- arnoldclassify.lib: Arnol'd Classifier of Singularities ( arnoldclassify_lib)
- difform.lib: Procedures for differential forms ( difform_lib)
- dmodideal.lib: Algorithms for Bernstein-Sato ideals of morphisms ( dmodideal_lib)
- fpalgebras.lib: Generation of various algebras in the letterplace case ( fpalgebras_lib)
- ncrat.lib: non-commutatie rational functions
( ncrat_lib)
Changed libraries:
- freegb.lib: lpDivision, lpPrint ( freegb_lib)
- fpadim.lib ( fpadim_lib)
- schreyer.lib: deprecated
- goettsche.lib: new, extended version (The Nakajima-Yoshioka formula up to n-th degree,Poincare Polynomial of the punctual Quot-scheme of rank r on n planar points Betti numbers of the punctual Quot-scheme of rank r on n planar points)( goettsche_lib)
- grobcov.lib: small bug fix ( grobcov_lib)
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- integrated xalloc into omalloc: (
./configure --disable-omalloc )
- improved heuristic for
det ( det)
- improved reading of long polynomials
- improved groebner bases over Z coefficients
- code for free algebras (letterplace rings) rewritten
(using now the standrad
+,-,*,^,std ,...) ( LETTERPLACE)
- new commands
rightstd ( rightstd (letterplace))
- extended
twostd to LETTERPLACE ( twostd (letterplace), twostd (plural))
- pseudo type
- new type
smatrix : sparse matrix (experimental) ( smatrix).
- extended
coef to ideals ( coef).
- error and signal handling in
libSingular ( libSingular).
- updated gfanlib to version 0.6.2
- port to NTL 11 (needs C++11: gcc6 or -std=c++11), which does not conflict with polymake (needs C++14)
News for version 4-1-1
New syntax:
alias : may be used as a prefix to a variable declaration.
Can only be used in procedure headings. ( General command syntax).
New command:
fres : improved version of sres : computes a (not necessarily minimal) free resolution of the input ideal/module, using Schreyer's algorithm.
( fres, sres).
Extended commands:
New libraries:
- classify2.lib: Classification of isolated singularities of corank <=2 and modality <= wrt. right equivalence over the complex numbers according to Arnold's list. ( classify2_lib)
- goettsche.lib: Goettsche's formula for the Betti numbers of the Hilbert scheme
of points on a surface, Macdonald's formula for the symmetric product ( goettsche_lib)
- combinat.lib, modules.lib, methods,lib, nets.lib: a more mathematical view of modules ( combinat_lib: combinatorics),
( methods_lib: construct procedures),
( modules_lib: free resolutions),
( nets_lib: pretty printing)
- ncHilb.lib: Hilbert series of non-commutative monomial algebras ( ncHilb_lib)
- realclassify.lib: Classification of real singularities( realclassify_lib)
- rootisolation.lib: real root isolation using interval arithmetic( rootisolation_lib)
- rstandard.lib: Janet bases and border bases for ideals ( rstandard_lib)
Changed libraries:
Changes in the kernel/build system:
- port to polymake 3.x.x
- port to NTL 10 with threads (needs also C++11: gcc6 or -std=c++11)
- p_Invers is only a helper for p_Series: now static
- p_Divide is now p_MDivide, pDivide/p_Divide is a new routine
News for version 4-1-0
Syntax changes:
- new (additional) form of ring definitions: (for example
ring R=QQ[x,y,z]; )
( General syntax of a ring declaration)
- new (additional) form of multi-indicies: (for example
i(1,2,3,4,5) )
( Names)
- changed behaviour of
charstr ( charstr)
- new data type
cring to describe the coefficient rings, to be used
for the new definitions for (polynomial) rings ( General syntax of a ring declaration)
- new command
ring_list to access the parts used to construct polynomial rings ( ring_list, ringlist)
- extended polynomial ring construction: also from lists produced by
- new attribute
ring_cf for ring ( attrib)
- printing of rings changed to match
cring names ( charstr)
New libraries:
- new library: classifyMapGerms.lib: standard basis of the tangent space at the orbit of an algebraic group action ( classifyMapGerms_lib)
- new library: ffmodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings over algebraic function fields( ffmodstd_lib)
- new library: nfmodsyz.lib: syzygy modules of submodules of free modules
over algebraic number fields( nfmodsyz_lib)
- new library: curveInv.lib: invariants of curves ( curveInv_lib)
- new library: gfan.lib: interface to gfanlib ( gfan_lib)
- extended library: interface to polymake merged into polymake_lib
- new library: tropicalNewton.lib: Newton polygon methods in tropical geometry ( tropicalNewton_lib)
- new library: schubert.lib: some procedures for intersction theory ( schubert_lib)
Changed libraries:
Changes in the kernel:
- improved mapping of polynomials/ideals/...
- port to gcc 6
- port to gfanlib 0.6 (requires C++11, i.e. gcc >=4.3)
- port to NTL 10
- port to polymake 3.0
- port to readline 7
- sba works for global orderings, also for coefficient types Z and Z/m
- std works for all orderings, also for coefficient types Z and Z/m with local/mixed orderings
- factorize works for polynomial rings over ZZ
Experimental stuff:
News for version 4-0-3
New libraries:
- new library: brillnoether.lib: Riemann-Roch spaces of divisors on curves ( brillnoether_lib)
- new library: chern.lib: Chern classes ( chern_lib)
- new library: ffmodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings over algebraic function fields( ffmodstd_lib)
- new library: GND.lib: General Neron Desingularization ( GND_lib)
- new library: graal.lib: localization at prime ideals ( graal_lib)
- new library: hess.lib: Riemann-Roch space of divisors ( hess_lib)
Changed libraries:
- renamed algemodstd_lib to nfmodstd_lib, extended to
- renamed derham_lib to deRham_lib
- grobcov.lib (grobcovK): Groebner Cover for parametric ideals ( grobcov_lib) with new routine
ConsLevels ( ConsLevels), removed AddCons AddConsP.
News for version 4-0-2
New commands:
Change in ring handling:
typeof( qring ) returns "ring"
New libraries:
- algemodstd.lib: Groebner bases of ideals in polynomial rings
over algebraic number fields(renamed to nfmodstd_lib)
- arr.lib: arrangements of hyperplanes ( arr_lib)
- brillnoether.lib: Riemann-Roch spaces of divisors on curve ( brillnoether_lib)
- hess.lib: Riemann-Roch space of divisors
on function fields and curves ( hess_lib)
- gradedModules.lib: graded modules/matrices/resolutions ( gradedModules_lib)
Changed libraries:
News for version 4-0-1
Version 4-0-1 is a bug fix release.
New feature: attribute ring_cf for ring ( attrib)
News for version 4-0-0
Version 4-0-0 is a milestone release of Singular.
The new release series 4 aims for an entirely modularized architecture
simplifying connectivity with other systems and paving the way
for parallel computations.
As a first step in modularization, the new release features an internal
structural separation of coefficient rings and polynomial rings.
This allows for a flexible integration of new coefficient rings.
SINGULAR 4-0-0's list of new functionality and significant
improvements further extends that of the 3-1-6/7 prerelease series.
New functionality
- de Rham cohomology of complements of algebraic varieties ( deRham_lib)
- Gromov-Witten numbers of elliptic curves ( ellipticcovers_lib)
- classification of isolated complete intersection singularities in characteristic 0 ( classifyci_lib)
- parametrization of orbits of unipotent actions ( orbitparam_lib)
- F5-like Groebner basis algorithm ( sba)
- element-wise application of functions to data structures ( apply)
- support for debugging libraries ( ASSUME)
Improved functionality
SINGULAR is available as source code and for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD and