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Post subject: declaring 'number'^'bigint' Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:17 pm |
Dear forum members,
I am looking to declare a number whose exponent can be a bigint instead of int (required for my experiments). for ex: number beta = (alpha)^(2^33). I have worked around the Singular source code to allow exponents up to (2^63)-1.
Understandably, Singular complains about the following error due to its limitations on number declaration:
`number` ^ `bigint` failed expected `number` ^ `int`
I am working over a polynomial ring with variables whose coefficients are in the finite field F_q (q=2^k extension) and variables take values in F_2. I also saw the feature to typecast a given 'number' to 'bigint' as shown in the manual in bigint declaration (Manual/4-0-3/sing_74.htm#SEC113), but Singular errors out saying it cannot typecast a number to bigint.
So, my question is: 1. Is there a restriction on typecasting a number to bigint? The manual clearly says that a number can be typecasted to bigint. 2. If this typecasting cannot be done, Is there a way around to declare a number^bigint by altering some part of the source code? 3. If 1. and 2. are not feasible, is there any other way to tackle this problem as it is a must-do experiment?
Appreciate all the help I can get on this.
thanks in advance, -Vikas
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Post subject: Re: declaring 'number'^'bigint' Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:00 pm |
Joined: Wed May 25, 2005 4:16 pm Posts: 275
a type cast number -> bigint is possible: number n=....; bigint b=bigint(n);
To implement number^bigint one has to do: - implement the routine to compute it using n_Power, n_Mult, n_Delete, for the operations with the number, and n_MPZ(expoent,b,coeffs_BIGINT) to convert the bigint b to an mpz_t number (on the C/C++ side, both number and bigint have the type number) - add a line to Singular/table.h ,{D(jjPOWER_N_B), '^', NUMBER_CMD, NUMBER_CMD, BIGINT_CMD, ALLOW_NC | ALLOW_RING} - add jjPOWER_N_B so Singular/ static BOOLEAN jjPOWER_N_B(leftv res, leftv u, leftv v) { number e=(number)v->Data(); number n=(number)u->Data(); number r=n_Power_bigint(n,ei,currRing); res->data=(char*)r; return FALSE; }
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Post subject: Re: declaring 'number'^'bigint' Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:54 pm |
I was able to modify the files and get the desired result. Thank you for responding 
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