| Index Entry | Section |
H | | |
| H2basis | D.6.17.5 H2basis |
| h_increasing_knapsack | D.12.2.56 h_increasing_knapsack |
| Hamburger-Noether expansion | D.6.1 alexpoly_lib |
| Hamburger-Noether expansion | D.6.15 hnoether_lib |
| Hamburger-Noether expansions | D.10.1.1 Adj_div |
| Handling graded modules | A.3.5 Handling graded modules |
| hardware platform | 5.1.155 system |
| hasAlgExtensionCoefficient | D.2.12.21 hasAlgExtensionCoefficient |
| hasCommutativeVars | D.2.12.18 hasCommutativeVars |
| hasGlobalOrdering | D.2.12.19 hasGlobalOrdering |
| hashesToFan | D.13.3.29 hashesToFan |
| hashToCone | D.13.3.28 hashToCone |
| hasLeftDenom | hasLeftDenom |
| hasMixedOrdering | D.2.12.20 hasMixedOrdering |
| hasNumericCoeffs | D.2.12.17 hasNumericCoeffs |
| hasRightDenom | hasRightDenom |
| hasTransExtensionCoefficient | D.2.12.22 hasTransExtensionCoefficient |
| Hcode | D.6.4.4 Hcode |
| headStand | D.3.1.27 headStand |
| heightZ | D.4.28.5 heightZ |
| help | 5.1.54 help |
| help browsers | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, dummy | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, dummy | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, emacs | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, html | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, setting command to use | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| help browsers, setting the | 5.1.155 system |
| Help string | 3.7.3 Help string |
| help, accessing over the net | 3.1.6 Command line options |
| help, online help system | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| Hensel | 5.1.35 factmodd |
| hensel lifting. | D.4.12.4 henselGlobal |
| henselGlobal | D.4.12.4 henselGlobal |
| hermiteNormalForm | D.15.13.48 hermiteNormalForm |
| hess.lib | D.5.7 hess_lib |
| hess_lib | D.5.7 hess_lib |
| hessenberg | 5.1.155 system |
| hessenberg | D.3.2.17 hessenberg |
| HHnormalForm | D.6.6.7 HHnormalForm |
| high corner method | 5.1.53 groebner |
| highcorner | 5.1.53 groebner |
| highcorner | 5.1.55 highcorner |
| highest corner | 5.3.5 noether |
| highest corner, option | 5.1.111 option |
| highest edge | 5.3.5 noether |
| hilb | 5.1.56 hilb |
| hilbert driven Groebner basis, option | 5.1.111 option |
| Hilbert function | 5.1.153 stdhilb |
| Hilbert function | 7.5.13 nchilbert_lib |
| Hilbert function | ncHilb |
| Hilbert function | C.2 Hilbert function |
| Hilbert polynomial | 7.5.13 nchilbert_lib |
| Hilbert scheme | D.5.5 goettsche_lib |
| Hilbert series | 7.5.13 nchilbert_lib |
| Hilbert series | ncHilb |
| Hilbert series | 7.10.1 fpadim_lib |
| Hilbert series | C.2 Hilbert function |
| Hilbert-driven GB algorithm | A.2.2 Groebner basis conversion |
| hilbert4ti2 | D.4.34.2 hilbert4ti2 |
| HilbertClassPoly | D.6.19.6 HilbertClassPoly |
| HilbertSeries | D.7.3.1 HilbertSeries |
| hilbertSeries | D.15.13.50 hilbertSeries |
| HilbertWeights | D.7.3.2 HilbertWeights |
| hilbPoly | D.2.8.20 hilbPoly |
| hilbvec | D.8.3.7 hilbvec |
| history | 3.1.5 Editing input |
| hnexpansion | D.6.15.1 hnexpansion |
| hnoether.lib | D.6.15 hnoether_lib |
| hnoether_lib | D.6.15 hnoether_lib |
| Hodge ideals | D.15.8 hodge_lib |
| hodge.lib | D.15.8 hodge_lib |
| hodge_lib | D.15.8 hodge_lib |
| hodgeIdeals | D.15.8.2 hodgeIdeals |
| holonomic rank | 7.5.14 dmodloc_lib |
| holonomicRank | holonomicRank |
| Hom | D.4.11.9 Hom |
| hom | D.4.16.44 hom |
| hom_kernel | D.4.11.15 hom_kernel |
| HomJJ | D.4.24.6 HomJJ |
| homog | 5.1.57 homog |
| homog | D.15.3.24 difformIsHomog |
| homog_part | D.5.17.33 homog_part |
| homog_parts | D.5.17.34 homog_parts |
| homogeneitySpace | D.13.6.37 homogeneitySpace |
| homogeneous | 5.1.57 homog |
| homogeneous | D.15.3.10 difformHomogDecomp |
| homogeneous | D.15.3.24 difformIsHomog |
| homogeneous | D.15.3.25 difformIsHomogDeg |
| homogeneous decomposition | D.15.3.10 difformHomogDecomp |
| homogfacFirstQWeyl | homogfacFirstQWeyl |
| homogfacFirstQWeyl_all | homogfacFirstQWeyl_all |
| homogfacNthQWeyl | homogfacNthQWeyl |
| homogfacNthQWeyl_all | homogfacNthQWeyl_all |
| homogfacNthWeyl | homogfacNthWeyl |
| homolog.lib | D.4.11 homolog_lib |
| homolog_lib | D.4.11 homolog_lib |
| homology | D.4.11.10 homology |
| homomorphism | D.4.16.28 homomorphism |
| Hosten-Sturmfels algorithm | C.6.2.3 The algorithm of Hosten and Sturmfels |
| How to enter and exit | 3.1.1 How to enter and exit |
| How to use this manual | 2.2 How to use this manual |
| howto, download | E.5 Download instructions |
| howto, install on Macintosh | E.9 Macintosh installation instructions |
| howto, install on Unix | E.7 Unix installation instructions |
| howto, install on Windows | E.8 Windows installation instructions |
| hres | 5.1.58 hres |
| html, default help | 3.1.3 The online help system |
| Hurwitz numbers | D.4.8.6 gromovWitten |
| Hurwitz numbers | D.4.8.7 computeGromovWitten |
| hybrid algorithms | D.8.7 recover_lib |
| hyperbolic sine series expansion | D.15.28.6 sinh |
| hyperel.lib | D.12.3 hyperel_lib |
| hyperel_lib | D.12.3 hyperel_lib |
| hyperplane | D.14.1.1 arrSet |
| hyperplane arrangement | 7.5.4 dmod_lib |
| Hypersurface singularities, classification of | A.4.8 Classification of hypersurface singularities |
| hypersurface singularity | D.6.17 mondromy_lib |