| Index Entry | Section |
: | | |
| : | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| : | 4.9.2 intvec expressions |
| :: | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| :: | 4.16 package |
; | | |
| ; | 3.5.2 Special characters |
< | | |
| < | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| < | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| < | 4.23.3 vector operations |
| < | 5.1.41 files, input from |
| <= | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| <= | 4.7.5 boolean expressions |
| <= | 4.15.3 number operations |
| <= | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| <= | 4.22.4 string operations |
| <= | 4.23.3 vector operations |
| <> | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| <> | 4.7.5 boolean expressions |
| <> | 4.13.4 matrix operations |
| <> | 4.15.3 number operations |
| <> | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| <> | 4.20.4 ring operations |
| <> | 4.22.4 string operations |
| <> | 4.23.3 vector operations |
= | | |
| = | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| == | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| == | 4.7.5 boolean expressions |
| == | 4.13.4 matrix operations |
| == | 4.15.3 number operations |
| == | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| == | 4.20.4 ring operations |
| == | 4.22.4 string operations |
| == | 4.23.3 vector operations |
> | | |
| > | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| > | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| > | 4.23.3 vector operations |
| >= | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| >= | 4.7.5 boolean expressions |
| >= | 4.15.3 number operations |
| >= | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| >= | 4.22.4 string operations |
| >= | 4.23.3 vector operations |
? | | |
| ? | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| ? | 5.1.54 help |
[ | | |
| [ | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| [] | 4.14.3 module operations |
| [] | 4.17.3 poly operations |
| [] | 4.22.4 string operations |
| [] | 4.23.3 vector operations |
\ | | |
| \ | 3.5.2 Special characters |
] | | |
| ] | 3.5.2 Special characters |
^ | | |
| ^ | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| ^ | 4.2.3 bigint operations |
| ^ | 4.6.3 ideal operations |
| ^ | 4.15.3 number operations |
| ^ | 4.17.3 poly operations |
_ | | |
| _ | 3.5.2 Special characters |
` | | |
| ` | 3.5.2 Special characters |
{ | | |
| { | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| | | |
| || | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| || | 4.7.6 boolean operations |
} | | |
| } | 3.5.2 Special characters |
~ | | |
| ~ | 3.5.2 Special characters |
| ~ | 5.2.16 ~ (break point) |
A | | |
| a, ordering | B.2.8 Extra weight vector |
| A_L | D.6.4.11 A_L |
| A_Z | D.2.3.1 A_Z |
| A_Z_L | D.2.3.2 A_Z_L |
| absfact.lib | D.4.1 absfact_lib |
| absfact_lib | D.4.1 absfact_lib |
| absFactorize | D.4.1.1 absFactorize |
| absFactorizeBCG | D.4.1.2 absFactorizeBCG |
| absolute factorization. | D.4.1 absfact_lib |
| absPrimdecGTZ | D.4.27.22 absPrimdecGTZ |
| absPrimdecGTZE | D.4.27.23 absPrimdecGTZE |
| abstract variety, projective space, Grassmannian | D.5.17.1 makeVariety |
| abstract variety, projective space, Grassmannian | D.5.17.2 printVariety |
| abstractR | D.5.16.7 abstractR |
| absValue | D.2.3.4 absValue |
| Access to elements of a user defined type | 4.24.3 Access to elements of a user defined type |
| actionIsProper | D.7.2.3 actionIsProper |
| add | D.15.3.14 difformAdd |
| add | D.15.3.36 derivationAdd |
| addcol | D.3.1.16 addcol |
| addcores | D.2.11.1 addcores |
| addElement | D.14.8.8 addElement |
| addLeftFractions | addLeftFractions |
| addModules | D.4.16.27 addModules |
| addNmzOption | D.4.25.19 addNmzOption |
| addnondegeneratevariables | D.6.19.5 addnondegeneratevariables |
| addNvarsTo | D.2.12.27 addNvarsTo |
| addPoly | D.15.15.5 addPoly |
| addRat | addRat |
| addrow | D.3.1.17 addrow |
| addSheaf | D.5.17.20 addSheaf |
| addvarsTo | D.2.12.26 addvarsTo |
| ademRelations | ademRelations |
| ADGT | D.2.4.21 ADGT |
| Adj_div | D.10.1.1 Adj_div |
| adjoint | D.3.2.9 adjoint |
| Adjoint ideal | D.5.11 paraplanecurves_lib |
| adjointIdeal | D.5.11.1 adjointIdeal |
| adjunction divisor | D.10.1.1 Adj_div |
| admissibleSub | admissibleSub |
| afaces | D.13.3.2 afaces |
| affine code | Affine codes |
| AG codes | A.8.2 AG codes |
| AGcode_L | D.10.1.6 AGcode_L |
| AGcode_Omega | D.10.1.7 AGcode_Omega |
| ainvar.lib | D.7.2 ainvar_lib |
| ainvar_lib | D.7.2 ainvar_lib |
| aksaka.lib | D.12.1 aksaka_lib |
| aksaka_lib | D.12.1 aksaka_lib |
| Alexander polynomial | D.6.1 alexpoly_lib |
| alexanderpolynomial | D.6.1.3 alexanderpolynomial |
| alexpoly.lib | D.6.1 alexpoly_lib |
| alexpoly_lib | D.6.1 alexpoly_lib |
| alg_kernel | D.4.2.5 alg_kernel |
| algDependent | D.4.2.4 algDependent |
| algebra.lib | D.4.2 algebra_lib |
| algebra_containment | D.4.2.1 algebra_containment |
| algebra_lib | D.4.2 algebra_lib |
| algebraic dependence | 7.5.22 perron_lib |
| Algebraic dependence | A.3.12 Algebraic dependence |
| algebraic field extension | D.4.29.3 splitring |
| Algebraic geometry | D.5 Algebraic geometry |
| Algebraic Geometry codes | D.10.1 brnoeth_lib |
| algebraic statistics | D.15.10 maxlike_lib |
| algebraicDependence | D.4.33.5 algebraicDependence |
| algorithm of Bigatti, La Scala and Robbiano | C.6.2.5 The algorithm of Bigatti, La Scala and Robbiano |
| algorithm of Conti and Traverso | C.6.2.1 The algorithm of Conti and Traverso |
| algorithm of Di Biase and Urbanke | C.6.2.4 The algorithm of Di Biase and Urbanke |
| algorithm of Hosten and Sturmfels | C.6.2.3 The algorithm of Hosten and Sturmfels |
| algorithm of Pottier | C.6.2.2 The algorithm of Pottier |
| alias | 3.5.1 General command syntax |
| align | 5.1.1 align |
| all.lib | D.2.1 all_lib |
| all_lib | D.2.1 all_lib |
| allDoubleExt | allDoubleExt |
| allExtOfLeft | allExtOfLeft |
| allExtOfRight | allExtOfRight |
| allNmzOptions | D.4.25.17 allNmzOptions |
| allowing net access | 3.1.6 Command line options |
| allPositive | allPositive |
| allprint | D.2.5.1 allprint |
| allreal | D.12.7.9 allreal |
| allrealst | D.12.7.7 allrealst |
| allsquarefree | D.6.15.19 allsquarefree |
| AltVarEnd | AltVarEnd |
| AltVarStart | AltVarStart |
| ambientDimension | D.13.2.4 ambientDimension |
| and | 4.7.6 boolean operations |
| and | 6.3.2 Evaluation of logical expressions |
| Ann | D.4.27.1 Ann |
| annfalphaI | annfalphaI |
| annfs | annfs |
| annfs0 | annfs0 |
| annfs2 | annfs2 |
| annfsBMI | annfsBMI |
| annfsLogIdeal | annfsLogIdeal |
| annfsParamBM | annfsParamBM |
| annfspecial | annfspecial |
| annfspecialOld | annfspecialOld |
| annfsRB | annfsRB |
| annihilator of polynomial | 7.5.5 dmodapp_lib |
| annihilator of rational function | 7.5.5 dmodapp_lib |
| annihilator of rational function | 7.5.14 dmodloc_lib |
| annihilatorMultiFs | annihilatorMultiFs |
| annil | D.4.19.8 annil |
| annPoly | annPoly |
| annRat | annRat |
| annRatSyz | annRatSyz |
| Appel function | 7.5.5 dmodapp_lib |
| Appel hypergeometric function | 7.5.5 dmodapp_lib |
| appelF1 | appelF1 |
| appelF2 | appelF2 |
| appelF4 | appelF4 |
| appendDataToSSI | D.15.21.7 appendDataToSSI |
| appendWeight2Ord | appendWeight2Ord |
| application | D.15.3.42 derivationEval |
| Applications | A.8 Applications |
| apply | 5.2.1 apply |
| applyAdF | applyAdF |
| applyMatrix | D.8.2.5 applyMatrix |
| applyPermutationToIntvec | D.13.3.27 applyPermutationToIntvec |
| applyVecField | D.15.29.1 applyVecField |
| arcpoint.lib | D.6.2 arcpoint_lib |
| arcpoint_lib | D.6.2 arcpoint_lib |
| areEqualLeftFractions | areEqualLeftFractions |
| areZeroElements | D.15.13.36 areZeroElements |
| argument, default | 3.7.2 Parameter list |
| argument, optional | 3.7.2 Parameter list |
| Arnol'd | D.6.3 arnoldclassify_lib |
| Arnold, classification. | D.6.5.1 complexClassify |
| Arnold, classification. | D.6.5.2 complexType |
| arnold.lib | D.15.1 arnold_lib |
| arnold_lib | D.15.1 arnold_lib |
| ArnoldAction | D.6.18.1 ArnoldAction |
| arnoldClassify | D.6.3.4 arnoldClassify |
| arnoldclassify.lib | D.6.3 arnoldclassify_lib |
| arnoldclassify_lib | D.6.3 arnoldclassify_lib |
| arnoldClassify_to_string | D.6.3.5 arnoldClassify_to_string |
| arnoldCorank | D.6.3.6 arnoldCorank |
| arnoldDeterminacy | D.6.3.7 arnoldDeterminacy |
| arnoldListAllSeries | D.6.3.1 arnoldListAllSeries |
| arnoldMilnorCode | D.6.3.8 arnoldMilnorCode |
| arnoldMorseSplit | D.6.3.9 arnoldMorseSplit |
| arnoldNormalForm | D.6.3.3 arnoldNormalForm |
| arnoldShowSeries | D.6.3.2 arnoldShowSeries |
| ArnoldType | D.15.1.32 ArnoldType |
| arr.lib | D.14.1 arr_lib |
| arr2multarr | D.14.1.33 arr2multarr |
| arr_lib | D.14.1 arr_lib |
| arrange | arrange |
| arrangement | D.14.1.1 arrSet |
| arrangement | D.14.1.2 type2arr |
| arrangement | D.14.1.33 arr2multarr |
| arrangement | D.14.1.34 multarr2arr |
| arrBoolean | D.14.1.22 arrBoolean |
| arrBoundedChambers | D.14.1.43 arrBoundedChambers |
| arrBraid | D.14.1.23 arrBraid |
| arrCenter | D.14.1.10 arrCenter |
| arrCentered | D.14.1.12 arrCentered |
| arrCentral | D.14.1.11 arrCentral |
| arrCentralize | D.14.1.13 arrCentralize |
| arrChambers | D.14.1.42 arrChambers |
| arrCharPoly | D.14.1.40 arrCharPoly |
| arrCone | D.14.1.16 arrCone |
| arrCoordChange | D.14.1.14 arrCoordChange |
| arrCoordNormalize | D.14.1.15 arrCoordNormalize |
| arrDecone | D.14.1.17 arrDecone |
| arrDer | D.14.1.30 arrDer |
| arrEdelmanReiner | D.14.1.28 arrEdelmanReiner |
| arrEssentialize | D.14.1.21 arrEssentialize |
| arrExponents | D.14.1.32 arrExponents |
| arrFlats | D.14.1.37 arrFlats |
| arrIsEssential | D.14.1.20 arrIsEssential |
| arrIsFree | D.14.1.31 arrIsFree |
| arrLastVar | D.14.1.9 arrLastVar |
| arrLattice | D.14.1.38 arrLattice |
| arrLocalize | D.14.1.18 arrLocalize |
| arrOrlikSolomon | D.14.1.29 arrOrlikSolomon |
| arrPoincare | D.14.1.41 arrPoincare |
| arrPrintMatrix | D.14.1.5 arrPrintMatrix |
| arrRandom | D.14.1.26 arrRandom |
| arrRandomCentral | D.14.1.27 arrRandomCentral |
| arrRestrict | D.14.1.19 arrRestrict |
| arrSet | D.14.1.1 arrSet |
| arrSwapVar | D.14.1.8 arrSwapVar |
| arrTypeB | D.14.1.24 arrTypeB |
| arrTypeD | D.14.1.25 arrTypeD |
| ASCII | D.2.3.3 ASCII |
| ASCII links | 4.10.4 ASCII links |
| ask | D.12.1.8 ask |
| assign | D.14.1.1 arrSet |
| assignment,custom | 4.24.5 Assignments for user defined types |
| Assignments for user defined types | 4.24.5 Assignments for user defined types |
| associated tangent | D.2.4.15 AssocTanToEnv |
| associated tangent | D.2.4.16 FamElemsAtEnvCompPoints |
| AssocTanToEnv | D.2.4.15 AssocTanToEnv |
| assPrimes | D.4.3.2 assPrimes |
| assprimeszerodim.lib | D.4.3 assprimeszerodim_lib |
| assprimeszerodim_lib | D.4.3 assprimeszerodim_lib |
| ASSUME | 3.9.1 ASSUME |
| attrib | 5.1.2 attrib |
| autGenWeights | D.15.2.3 autGenWeights |
| autGradAlg | D.15.2.2 autGradAlg |
| autgradalg.lib | D.15.2 autgradalg_lib |
| autgradalg_lib | D.15.2 autgradalg_lib |
| Authors | Acknowledgements |
| autKS | D.15.2.1 autKS |
| Automatic Deduction | D.2.4.21 ADGT |
| Automatic Demonstration | D.2.4.21 ADGT |
| automorphism group | D.15.2 autgradalg_lib |
| automorphisms | D.15.2 autgradalg_lib |
| autonom | D.11.2.3 autonom |
| autonomDim | D.11.2.4 autonomDim |
| autX | D.15.2.6 autX |
| autXhat | D.15.2.5 autXhat |
| awalk1 | D.4.10.3 awalk1 |
| awalk2 | D.4.10.4 awalk2 |