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9.4 $G(2,4) \vert E$

Besides the method used to compute cosets the ordering plays an important role. Example $G(2,4) \vert E$ was computed using 669 different orderings. The maximal/total number of cosets computed varied from 1728/1756 to 13560/14941 using method (4). Even for orderings which seemed to be ''similar'' the number of cosets was quite different. Table [*] shows the maximal and the total number of cosets for example $G(2,4) \vert E$ using a Knuth-Bendix ordering with the respective weights attached to the letters of the alphabet.

Table: Example $G(2,4) \vert E$ using different orderings
a b A B $max\{N\}$ $\vert N\vert$
1 5 4 1 3074 3111
1 5 4 2 3313 3331
1 5 4 3 3421 3430
1 5 4 4 8901 8952
1 5 4 5 3432 3439

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