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Computing the divisors $ N^\ast H$

The intersection divisors $ N^\ast H$ can be computed by the following algorithm:

$ F\in \mathbf{F}[X,Y,Z]_d$, $ L$ list of closed places $ [Q]$ of $ C$ (defined by $ F=0$), $ H\in \mathbf{F}[X,Y,Z]_m$.

Extended list of closed places $ [Q]$ and list of integers $ m_{[Q]}$ such that $ N^\ast H=\sum_{[Q]} m_{[Q]}[Q]$.
  1. Affine Intersection. Let $ h(x,y):=H(x,y,1)$, $ f(x,y):=F(x,y,1)$ and consider $ I:=\langle
h,f\rangle$. Proceed as in Step 1 of the algorithm in Section 2.4.1 to obtain a set of (triangular) ideals corresponding to the set of closed points in $ V(I)$. For each closed point $ [P]$ in $ V(I)$ do the following:
  2. Intersection at infinity. Let $ h_{\infty}(x):=H(x,1,0)$ and compute a prime factorization of the polynomial $ h_{\infty}\in \mathbf{F}[x]$,

    $\displaystyle \hspace*{1.2cm} h_\infty=h_{\infty,1}\cdot \ldots \cdot
h_{\infty,d''}\in \mathbf{F}[x]\,, \qquad d''\!\leq d\,.$

    Each factor that appeared also in the prime factorization (4) of $ f_{\infty}$ corresponds to a closed point $ \big[(a_j\!:\!\!\:1\!\!\::\!\!\:0)\big]$ in the intersection of $ C$ with the plane curve defined by $ H$. For the corresponding closed places $ [Q]$ we compute

    $\displaystyle m_{[Q]}= ord_t H\bigl(\varphi_Q(x)\!\!\:+\!\!\:a_j,\,1,\,

    where $ \varphi_Q:\mathbf{F}[[x,z]]\to \overline{\mathbf{F}}[[t]]$ is the primitive parametrization obtained from the sHNE of $ Q$ (cf. Step 4 of the algorithm in Section 2.4.1).

    Finally, if $ (1\!\!\::\!\!\:0\!\!\::\!\!\:0)\in PTS_{\infty}$ and $ H(1,0,0)=0$ then we compute for the corresponding closed places $ [Q]$ the multiplicities

    $\displaystyle m_{[Q]} =ord_t H\bigl(1,\varphi_Q(y),\varphi_Q(z)\bigr)\,.$

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Christoph Lossen