- ... Reinert1
- The author was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
- ... precedence2
- By a precedence on an alphabet we mean a partial ordering on its letters.
- ... ideal3
Notice that the linear combinations in these definitions of ideals in fact
describe elements of
Since the elements
can be interpreted as elements of
the multiplication
is well-defined and gives
us an element say hi in
as does again the multiplcation
- ... presentations4
- A survey on groups allowing convergent presentations can be found
in [MaOt89].
- ... ordering5
- By the usual ordering on
we mean
- ...
- I.e. tex2html_wrap_inline$= (+ - 1)/2 $.
- ... terminate6
- This can also be seen,
since for m we have
- ...
- E.g. we get
- ... in8
- ... set9
- see [Si94] page 503 for the concrete computation.
- ... basis10
- This set is the union of the qc-saturating sets
and it is a Gröbner basis as all s-polynomials reduce to zero.
- ... basis11
- While
interreduction in group rings can destroy the property of
being a Gröbner basis for certain reductions, qc-reduction
allows to incorporate this idea
into Gröbner basis computations and produces unique monic reduced
Gröbner bases.
- ... bounded12
- In
case ak is bounded
we can still use negative powers of ak in the
computations, as from the point of view of the collection process it does not matter,
at what time the power rules for ak are applied.
We only have to take into account that in the definition of
w1 = ak-lk + ik
the normal form looks different in case
-lk + ik < 0.
- ... ring13
- compare page
- ... bounded14
- In case ak is bounded
we can still use negative powers of ak in the
computations, as from the point of view of the collection process it does not matter,
at what time the power rules for ak are applied.
- ... convergent15
- For a proof of this see section 8.
- ... none16
- ...
- ``none'' in this context means that no reduction based on commutative divisors and using right multiples exists.