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7. Finiteness

To complete the algorithm we have to show the finiteness of the row-reduction process.

Proposition 14  
 After a finite number of reductions, $ {\cal M}(Q) $ becomes J-row-minimal.

Assume there is an infinite sequence of row-reductions

\begin{displaymath}{\cal M}(Q) \supset {\cal M}(U_{T_1}Q) \supset {\cal M}(U_{T_2}Q) \ldots \end{displaymath}

By our choice of the reduction in Proposition 14, at any step the lowest possible leading term of $ {\cal M}(Q) $ is removed. But all leading terms of a standard basis of $ {\cal M}(Q) $ are leading terms of a standard basis of $\langle Q\rangle$, too, which determines the Hilbert-function of the module M=coker(Q).

Let rM be the regularity bound of the Hilbert function of M. Then the homogeneous degree of all leading terms of a standard basis of Q (resp. of $ {\cal M}(Q) $) is not greater than rM, contradicting our assumption of an infinite reduction sequence.

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